Words Fail Me

As I'm sure everyone is aware back home of the travesty that occurred in Blacksburg, I don't need to write some harangue about the whole dire situation. It is dreadful enough whenever something like this occurs, but to have had it happen at an alma mater makes it even more distressing. Blacksburg is such a wonderful town and Virginia Tech such a great school, it is beyond horrifying to imagine that something like this could have occurred there.

I'm not sure what the solution to this growing problem is in America, I only know that it is multi-factorial. I truly hope that what ultimately comes from this is a better understanding of why this happened and how it can be prevented in the future.

My heart goes out to the families of all the kids involved, and there are just so many. God bless the families and most of all the innocents who were so thoughtlessly taken away from them. May they rest in peace.


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